About 3 months ago, I noticed some very very mild pain low down in my pelvis during sex - nothing that really concerned me and as it didnt happen every time, i thought no more about it. Soon after, I stopped taking the Pill as my husband and I are now trying for a baby. I still noticed the occasional mild pain, but nothing severe. I am not yet pregnant and have had a period in the last few days, but I have noticed that the pain has become increasingly noticeable, again not necessarily during sex, but particularly during my last period. During the normal cramping that I get with each period, the pain has become quite obvious, almost pulsating with the cramping and now, if I gently press on the area I can feel some soreness. It is very low down and slightly to the right hand side.There is no obvious lump there and I havent experienced any bleeding or discharge with it, though its getting more difficult to tell as my periods have become irrgeular on this last cycle (after 3 months of normal 28 day cycles).The pain is concerning me more now as it is causing some discomfort if I get up out of a chair to walk around for example, or earlier, I brushed against the bathroom sink and felt it. I had a cyst removed from my breast approx. 2 years ago and the pain is similar - a kind of dullness but sore to the touch. I can occasionally feel it when sitting still doing nothing, but more so when I touch it. Can you help at all?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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